Monday, November 29, 2010


My third of five pictures for people who donated to my school. This is a Green Sea Turtle. And I added some ... eh... interesting details to the shell. =D

Sunday, November 28, 2010

My first of five pictures for people who donated to my school's art programs fundraiser. This is a gargoyle, done in chalk pastel.

Oh, and the picture on the "Colors" post was the second of five, done in watercolor.


Color is in everything, makes up everything you look at. Unless you're color blind. But then again, black and white are colors too. If you stare at an object for long enough, you'll begin to see many different varieties of color... they're in absolutely everything. Highlights and shadows on objects change their many colors. And all colors are beautiful.

Now for a somewhat more scientific approach. There are several different kinds of colors, named by what they are in relation to the primary colors. Primary colors make up every color that exists besides other primaries (and white. I have no idea what white is.) The three primary colors cannot be made by mixing. They are red, blue, and yellow. Secondary colors come after primaries, and they are made by mixing two primaries together. Intermediate, or tertiary, colors are made by mixing a secondary and a primary color.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Reflections Contest

This is my entry for the Reflections contest. Um. I'm not very proud of this. But I suppose it turned out okay. The theme was "Together We Can" so I did "Together we can work for a better world by helping others." So the animals are trying to get down a kitten stuck in a tree.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

To Rise

This is a picture that I drew this summer. It's about rising up and overcoming. And I just really enjoy drawing mythical creatures. You can go wild with their colors and designs, it's a lot of fun. Anyways, this is colored with Prismacolor art markers, and it took me maybe two or three hours.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Internet. It's amazing.

That's my deviantart account. Deviantart, or dA as a lot of people call it, is a social networking site for artists that I absolutely love. Artists can share and view other people's work and sell or buy prints of pictures. It's a lot of fun, and I like getting to meet new people and make connections with young artists in other countries. Some of the friends I've made through dA live in Canada, Russia, England, France, or South America. Which is amazing to me. For example, I often do requests for other people, which means they'll ask me to draw them their character or something they like for free. It's a good trade for me because I get practice and I'll get more global recognition. Here's a recent trade that I did.

This coyote is a character belonging to Xiik, a girl who lives in Colombia. (the link on her username goes to her page, by the way.)

Anyways, I'm glad my friends persuaded me to join dA. It's been a good learning experience for me, as I get to make friends and have fun while getting tips from other artists on style and mediums.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


What is line? Well, there's the technical definition, of course. With straight lines, curved lines, and angle lines. Then there are more types of lines, those that surround a shape, the details within a shape, or lines showing movement. For me, lines are what make things what they are. I see line everywhere in my life, from the lines of black and gold in someone's hair to the outline of a computer screen to the lines of light that surround a leaf during sunset. For me, lines are alive.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

This is a picture that I did for Halloween. It includes two wolf characters from my deviantart account, my friend owns the wolf on the left. They're named d-day and Wildfire. I tend to draw them a lot. Realistic art is interesting and looks cool, but I absolutely love drawing wolves in a more cartoon-y style, which is probably what you'll see the most from me. And of course, I dressed up these guys for Halloween. This was colored in Prismacolored markers, and the simple background was done in Photoshop.

My First Post Ever.. whoah.

So, this is my FIRST POST EVER. Cool, I know. Alright, so this blog is going to be a place for me to post my artwork and talk about myself. Hopefully I'll remember to update it every few days. I'm a girl who wants to share her art with the world and get a good grade in her Advanced Design class by posting this blog. So there we go. I wrote something. It's amazing. Now, look upon my wonderful writing (one whole short paragraph!) and gasp in awe. Thank you, thank  you.